Another European project aiming at supporting accommodation providers and tour operators looking for SMEs as future beneficiaries

While the TOURISME Call for SMEs is now over, expect the call for the ones from Cyprus which is still open, European Tourism Going Green has recently launched its own call for SMEs.

The European Tourism Going Green (ETGG) 2030 is a project supported by a Europe-wide network of sustainability experts, universities, business associations, chambers of commerce, tourism organisations and non-governmental organisations (NGOs) and would like to support SMEs in improving their sustainability performance and increasing their competitiveness by participating in the European ETGG 2030 programme and ultimately being certified and promoted as a sustainable business.

Accommodation providers and tour operators (depending on the admission criteria of the respective country) based in Austria, Bulgaria, Croatia, Germany, Italy or Romania can apply. For further admission criteria, please refer to the country-specific application guidelines. More information on the call and participating countries can be found here.

The deadline of the application is Monday, 11th April 2022 at 17:00 CET