The Canary Islands Institute of Technology (ITC) held the TouriSME last event with beneficiaries and various sector-related SMEs on 8th June.
Relive the event and discover more about SMEs’ experience in this video !
This activity focused on the results and knowledge obtained from the project execution for these previous years and good practices that can be exchanged. This time, Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs joined, bringing host entrepreneurs to the event in order to talk about their experience with the programme and their knowledge in terms of sustainability within the tourism sector.
The event took place at Mynd Hotel, which is a brand under Canarian Hospitality, one of the Spanish SMEs that joined TouriSME. This brand focuses on offering sustainable experiences and integrating good practices for a more sustainable business model. They have also been able to achieve great success by integrating sustainability with innovative solutions and a complex digital strategy all along. Given the good results of their practices, a group of companies will have an opportunity to learn about them and discuss more of them for their own businesses.
Besides visiting the Mynd Hotel accommodations, the group joined a table addressing solutions to enrich SMEs proposals on sustainable tourism. This table was led by some TouriSME beneficiaries, such as Los Telares, Inzulae, the host, Canarian Hospitality, and Suncanarias. The group also discussed about the existing challenges towards a more sustainable business and how to overcome those obstacles that might arise in this transition.
The ITC also promoted synergies with another European network they manage in the Islands, the Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs. This European Union initiative promotes entrepreneurs’ exchange experience across Europe and the world. The group took part to a conversation where some companies shared their experiences hosting entrepreneurs from different points of the world. Tenerife Job Training, Tivity, and Canary Green talked about the enriching processes of receiving new talents, sharing ideas, and helping people build new and more sustainable businesses.