The first of its kind, the event which marked the start of coaching and training activities within the project’s framework allowed selected companies to meet each other and take advantage of the International Tourism Trade Fair (FITUR) 2022.
These 16 Spanish SMEs were all previously selected for the project’s mentoring, support, and training phase in Spain, which is overseen by the Technological Institute of the Canary Islands (ITC). The aim is to know and integrate sustainable solutions into the tourist sector across Europe. This is the first physical event held by TOURISME, which took place 21st January at Madrid. During the scheduled sessions, SMEs were introduced to sustainable tourism in a lesson which was held both physically and online. While 4 participants attended the training online, those present in Madrid took advantage and visited the International Tourism Trade Fair 2022. The Fair is the first appointment of the year for the world’s tourism professionals and the leading trade fair for inbound and outbound markets in Latin America.
The call launched in July 2021 was addressed to SMEs from the tourism sector. The aim is to offer to them trainings, matchmakings, mentoring, and support to become into a more sustainable tourism business. After having signed their contracts, these beneficiaries will now undergo a comprehensive capacity building phase for a year.