TOURISME to be featured at CAST project’s final conference

Although at its very beginning, the TOURISME project is already attracting a lot of attention, the last being an invitation to the CAST project’s Final Conference on 29 June.

While the TOURISME project recently completed the initial phase and proceeds towards its key activity – providing support to SMEs in the field of tourism, another like-minded project is about to end. The CAST project, also funded by the COSME programme of the European Commission is coming to its end and will see its Final Conference on 29 June.

The CAST project brought together extensive experience stimulating the creation, growth and internationalisation of companies in the tourism and creative sector across Europe. They provided incubation and acceleration support to sustainable tourism start-ups and SMEs to grow and scale. They helped them generate new products, services and business models, facilitate access to finance and new markets, while also having helped them build new skills and resilience.

As the time has come for the Final Conference, CAST is happy to invite you to participate in it! The Conference will ighlight the best creative, sustainable and digital entrepreneurial solutions for tourism in Europe. Organised by the European Business and Innovation Centre Network (EBN), this event will discuss and showcase best practices in business innovation support for a greater impact on entrepreneurship initiatives in the tourism sector.

The conference itself will explore and try to give answers to few underlying questions, such as

  • How Creative and Digital Technologies can create greater Sustainability in Tourism Sector?
  • What are the main drivers for regional economic development and tourism recovery?
  • What role can open Innovation and co-creation play in improving the sustainability of the tourism sector?
  • What Smart-strategies can unlock the full potential of this sector?
  • How EU support actions in the tourism sector are addressing challenges such as seasonality, harnessing technology and creativity, as well as integrating sustainability as a part of their unique selling proposition

Participants will benefit from networking opportunities with tourism innovators, industry specialists, financiers, corporates, EU|BICs, incubators and accelerators, specialised in sustainable tourism.

Over the past three years, the CAST project has provided incubation & acceleration support for sustainable tourism start-ups and SMEs to grow and scale. We helped generate new products, services and business models, facilitating access to finance and new markets.

The TOURISME’s role in this Final Conference will be its involvement and intervention is the session titled “Drivers for regional economic development and tourism recovery”. This session will focus on the main local challenges in the tourism sector and the impact on EU regions and companies. Innovative business support programmes and initiatives provided by business support leaders locally. Impact of solutions in terms of innovative and responsible companies, valuation of cultural heritage, seasonality and territorial dispersion. The speaker on behalf of TOURISME will be Lucía Dobarro Delgado of the Canary Islands Institute of technology. 

You have plenty of time to register for the Final Conference through the following link.,