Tourisme is coming to an end, and the Canary Islands Institute of Technology is actively working on reporting the impact this project has had to the project beneficiaries.
The main tool to collect all information has been a questionnaire that was shared with the SMEs back in 2021. After almost 2 years, they have submitted their results through a set of indicators that cover environmental, social, and economic results, among others.The conclusions drawn from the analysis of the questionnaire will be complemented by relevant information in the technical report to be submitted by each company at the end of the project.
All those answers have built an extensive database from which a report is being prepared that will be introduced later this month in the last Tourisme international matchmaking event in Italy. Besides the already useful learning obtained from the collective visualization of the data, this document will aggregate good practices to share and boost the sustainability and resilience of other tourism companies.
Throughout these three years, a special indicator has been considered and promoted, and that is the application for sustainable and tourism certifications. These not only recognize the good practices the SMEs have actively been working on in matters such as energy saving or water consumption, but they serve as paced ways of integrating sustainability, environmental company policies, and CSR improvements into the daily functioning of the companies. That is why the closing meeting later this month will provide other experiences from our consortium to enrich the whole Tourisme purpose of promoting sustainability as the way to guarantee the future of the sector and our planet.
In terms of final results, it is expected that companies at the end of the project will have adopted a sustainability policy as a profitable strategy in the short and medium term by implementing the SDGs as a guide to achieve these goals and to facilitate their access to environmental and sustainability certifications.